Kleiner einblick in die Zukunft von HdRO

1. Teil von Dadi’s Exclusive Interview With The LOTRO Team

Es gibt unter anderem einen 2 Jahres Plan der Pläne zu HdRO bis Ende 2018 beinhalten wird. Auch ist es denkbar das es eine neue Erweiterung geben könnte, wie eins mit Düsterwald. Reiter von Rohan und co.
"...Severlin: Sure. Right now we have a two and a half year plan [taking us in to the end of 2018 -ed.], and the only reason it is not further is because we want to see where the player’s heads are at after that much time. We are currently focused on not only telling the Epic Story leading up to the Gate but also what happens beyond. We have already kind of hinted to the players that an expansion is on its way. I do not want to talk too much about the expansion because we are still far enough away that plans may change and ultimately we do not want to disappoint the community. This is one of the reasons we don’t like to talk about things too far in advance; not because we do not have long term plans. We want to tell the epic story, and we all know Mordor is coming … We want the experience to satisfy not only the story buffs, but also the experience of entering Mordor really epic because it is something other than the two Halflings, something we did not see much of...."