Neue Informationen zum Server Transfer

Im Offiziellem Forum wurde ein kleines Update zum Server Transfer bekannt gegeben, leider gibt es dies noch nicht direkt auf Deutsch. Daher hier jedoch eine kleine Übersicht übersetzt von Thodorin

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Fr. Peters schrieb:
First I want to thank everyone who participated in the initial transfers that occurred last week. Due to some unrelated connection issues we had to turn of the service after only a short couple days and before we could really kick off US transfers, but in that time we received a lot of data that will help us improve the service even more. If you attempted a transfer last week and encountered any issues, please open a ticket with Customer Support and they should be able to help you out.

We are releaseing a patch this morning with the improvements and at that time we will open up the service for 48 hours for the 5 Remaining US worlds: Arkenstone, Crickhollow, Landroval, Gladden and Brandywine (off world only) to shuffle among themselves. The service will then be turned off again Friday morning as we assess the data and wait for some of the new hardware effort to catch up to our transfer progress.

Currently we expect the new hardware and data center to be available for public testing on Bullroarer in early September and are planning an event around that. More info as we get closer.

In mid-September to Early October we expect to start open transfers off of the closing worlds to the remaining worlds. We will begin with the smaller population worlds so as not to tax the old hardware as we transition to the new but still allowing those on the quiet worlds to start getting to know their new communities. In the October to November time frame is when we expect to be able to do the full switch over to the new hardware and data center for everyone and turn on transfers across all worlds. Please note this is our current timeline and is subject to change based on other delays that may occur during build out.

For those concerned about the free transfer timeline between remaining worlds that we originally set to end on October 1st, we are adjusting this plan. We will no longer have a time frame for free transfers, but are instead working out a way for everyone to have a chance to change their mind on their destination server once before having to pay to do so again.

So once again I want to thank everyone for their patience. This is a monumental task to undertake and we are making every effort to ensure it goes as smoothly as possible, but in order to do that sometimes it means taking pauses or delays in schedule. And this is only the largest of the upgrades we are working on for this year! You should be getting eyes on our new in-game storefront in the coming months as well as a new website coming in the months following that! So many shiny new updates for Lord of The Rings Online coming up both in-game and out, so stay tuned.

Athena “Vyvyanne” Peters
Executive Producer .



  • Für 48 Stunden sind kostenlose Transfers zwischen Arkenstone, Crickhollow, Landroval, Gladden and Brandywine (nur weg) möglich (wird später wieder möglich sein). Derzeit gibt es aber Probleme mit nicht angezeigten Charakteren (ist für die EU-Server im Moment unerheblich, da dort keine Transfers möglich sind).
  • Für Anfang September ist ein öffentlicher Test der neuen Hardware und des Datenzentrums auf dem Testserver Bullroarer geplant - inkl. Event. Mehr Infos folgen später.
  • Mitte September/Anfang Oktober ist der Start der Transfers von den kleineren Servern geplant. Oktober/November soll komplett auf die neue Hardware/neuen Datenzentren umgestellt werden und die Transfers für alle schließenden Welten starten. Diese Termine können sich aber noch ändern.
  • Der End-Termin 1.10. für kostenlose Transfers zwischen den verbleibenden Servern wird gestrichen - es soll eine andere Lösung kommen um Spielern zu erlauben ihre Entscheidung zu überdenken. (möglicherweise statt dessen eine bestimmte Anzahl an kostenlosen Transfers - siehe )